Eurocall News

ReCALL 37(1) now online


Note from the Editor in Chief Prof. Alex Boulton Dear ReCALL readers,As we now only have one editorial per year, there are many things to pack in here. First, as announced last year, ReCALL went completely open access on 1st January 2024 – all papers published since then are entirely free to read. As planned, no authors have needed to pay their own APCs (article processing charges), with fees being covered by transformative agreements, authors’ institutions or a waiver agreement. Our policy is science first – financial considerations should never be a barrier to good research publications. It is still early days, though, to see [...]

ReCALL 37(1) now online2025-01-07T09:24:07+00:00

EUROCALL 2025 in Milan


The Department of Linguistic Sciences and Foreign Literatures of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan (Italy) is pleased to host the EUROCALL 2025 Conference.  The conference will be held on 27-30 August 2025 as an in-person event at the main Cattolica campus at Largo Gemelli, 1, Milan. The conference theme and the call for papers will be announced soon. Save the dates! We look forward to welcoming you to Milan.

EUROCALL 2025 in Milan2024-10-23T16:49:55+00:00

Eurocall Spring Festival – register now!


Upcoming event: The EUROCALL Spring Festival - 29th April 2023, 9am -5pm (UK time), online, cost 30 Euros Join us for a day of workshops and talks to help you tackle the challenges and grasp the opportunities associated with developments in digital technology post-pandemic. Our programme will include sector-leading speakers from the global EUROCALL community on topics such as: The latest tools and their pedagogic uses in language learning and teaching ChatGPT and its uses in language learning and teaching How to take your language teaching online to the next level Effective strategies for engaging language learners online Film, streaming video and [...]

Eurocall Spring Festival – register now!2023-06-11T11:01:11+00:00

EUROCALL Spring Festival – Save the date!


Save the Date! The EUROCALL Spring Festival - 29th April 2023, 9am -5pm (UK time), online Registration fee: 30 Euros  **limited spaces will be available** Join us for a day of workshops and talks to help you tackle the challenges and grasp the opportunities associated with developments in digital technology post-pandemic. Our programme will include sector-leading speakers from the global EUROCALL community on topics such as: The latest tools and their pedagogic uses in language learning and teaching ChatGPT and its uses in language learning and teaching How to take your language teaching online to the next level Effective strategies for engaging [...]

EUROCALL Spring Festival – Save the date!2023-06-11T11:13:11+00:00

EUROCALL Webmaster – job opportunity!


The post of EUROCALL Webmaster is an unpaid post; however this is your opportunity to take a leading role in shaping the online identity of EUROCALL now and for the future. The purpose of the post is to take a leadership role on web management and to develop/maintain the EUROCALL website in response to requests from the EUROCALL Administrator, acting on behalf of and as co-opted member of the Executive Committee and EUROCALL Marketing group. The website is hosted under the domain The site is currently an HTML site but the Executive Committee is in the process of having the [...]

EUROCALL Webmaster – job opportunity!2023-06-11T11:17:26+00:00

EUROCALL 2022 Short Papers now available!


EUROCALL 2022 Short Papers The short papers from EUROCALL 2022 edited by Arnbjörnsdóttir, Bédi, Bradley, Friðriksdóttir, Garðarsdóttir, Thouësny, and Whelpton are now published. Enjoy your reading! #openaccess #publication @EurocallLang @eurocall2022 You can find the short papers here:

EUROCALL 2022 Short Papers now available!2023-06-11T11:27:18+00:00

EUROCALL 2023 – Call for papers


EUROCALL 2023: CALL for all languages First call for papers   Submission deadline for EUROCALL 2022: 15 February 2023 The focus of this year’s EUROCALL conference is on inclusiveness of all languages, which is reflected in the main conference theme “CALL for all languages”. We particularly welcome papers that focus on supporting and promoting indigenous, endangered, and less commonly spoken languages, but themes related to other languages and language technologies in CALL are also very welcome. Following the UN‘s declaration of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-2032, this year‘s conference theme draws attention to the importance of building a global [...]

EUROCALL 2023 – Call for papers2023-06-11T11:29:44+00:00

Teacher Outreach Event 2022 Postponed


Teacher Outreach Event 2022 - POSTPONED Many of you will be aware that the UK is currently facing many challenges, the most recent of which is of course the funeral arrangements for HRM Queen Elizabeth II. In the light of the additional Bank Holiday declared for the 19th September 2022 which impacts upon our capacity to process registrations in time for the planned event date,  we have decided to postpone this event to later in the academic year, provisionally during Spring 2023. We have also listened to feedback about the cost of participation and in order to help ease the financial burden [...]

Teacher Outreach Event 2022 Postponed2023-06-11T11:31:25+00:00
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