EUROCALL 2023: CALL for all languages
First call for papers
Submission deadline for EUROCALL 2022: 15 February 2023
The focus of this year’s EUROCALL conference is on inclusiveness of all languages, which is reflected in the main conference theme “CALL for all languages”. We particularly welcome papers that focus on supporting and promoting indigenous, endangered, and less commonly spoken languages, but themes related to other languages and language technologies in CALL are also very welcome.
Following the UN‘s declaration of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-2032, this year‘s conference theme draws attention to the importance of building a global community for the preservation, revitalization, and teaching of indigenous, endangered, and less commonly spoken languages, and other languages in the world, with the aid of computers. As such, this conference will contribute to the global action plan for supporting speakers, teachers, and learners of all these languages by sharing knowledge about the newest trends and technologies in CALL. Researchers and practitioners will be able to share their insights about both ways to promote language diversity and multilingual aspects in CALL and opportunities to create sustainable development efforts in teaching and preservation methods of smaller and less-commonly taught languages. However, insights from larger and more commonly taught languages will also be an asset to this conference as they would provide information from research and practice using newest tools and technologies in language education. Although the main focus is on the support of indigenous, endangered, and less commonly spoken languages, other themes related to CALL and more-commonly taught languages are also very welcome.
Potential themes could include but are not limited to:
- Indigenous languages and CALL
- Endangered languages and CALL
- Less commonly spoken languages and CALL
- Archaic languages and CALL
- Sign languages and CALL to help Deaf and hearing-impaired communities to learn languages
- CALL and Braille writing system to help Blind and visually impaired communities to learn languages
- Preserving, documenting, and reviving languages
- Distant learning and CALL
- Collaborative learning and CALL
- High-tech and low-tech environments in CALL
- Learner assessment in CALL
- Teacher training in CALL
- Language management systems (LMSs) in CALL
- Synchronous and asynchronous learning
- Promoting the learning of languages with CALL technologies
- Application of theories and frameworks supporting CALL
- Any other theme related to CALL and language learning technologies are welcome
Important Dates
See “Important Dates” tab on the conference website
Format of Abstracts
Abstracts (500-word limit) for all presentation categories have to be submitted through the OpenConf system from 15 December 2022 until 15 February 2023:
Presentation categories at the conference include individual short papers, symposia, European projects, posters, and conference workshops.
- Individual short papers
Short papers should be submitted for 20-minute presentations. This timing allows for 15 minutes presenting and 5 minutes for questions. Three types of short papers may be given:
- Research papers focusing on a specific research topic with practical implications. Rationale together with methodology and a brief literature review shall be included. Both empirical and theoretical research papers are welcome.
- Research and development papers focusing on the development of pedagogies, programs and technologies supporting the teaching and learning of all languages. The research and development paper should present original findings and focus on practical implications and improvement of language learning and teaching.
- Reflective practice papers focusing on testing and integration of technologies in different language learning and teaching environments. The reflective practice papers could report on assessment and evaluation of language learners and teachers using different programs and technologies to enhance their learning and teaching strategy.
- Symposia
Symposia consist of three or four papers on a similar topic. The length of each paper presentation during the symposium should be about 10-15 minutes. The proposer and organizer of the symposium will also be the chair, who will be in contact with the EUROCALL 2023 organizing team and the individual presenters. The proposer also submits an abstract for the symposium. The topic for each symposium should normally address the conference theme. Sessions are organized in a panel format with no changeover and last for 60 minutes.
Submissions for symposia from EUROCALL Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are very welcome, with a view to promoting their work to the conference delegates and encouraging participation in the SIGs. Current EUROCALL SIGs are: Teacher Education, Virtual Worlds and Serious Gaming, iCALL, CorpusCall, Computer-Mediated Communication, Less-widely Taught Languages, Mobile-Assisted Language Learning, Graduate Students, LMOOC.
Proposal for symposia should be submitted in a form of an abstract through the OpenConf website. The abstract should include a text (max. 500 words) describing the theme of the symposium, the names and institutions of the participants, and the aspect of the main problem that each of the participants will address. Please note that each participant in the symposium presenting their research can submit separately an abstract of their own short paper through the OpenConf platform as well (see section “How to submit your proposal” below).
- European Projects
This year’s conference will again offer a forum for the showcasing and dissemination of EU-funded projects. Each project will be allocated a 30-minute slot, including questions. Abstracts of proposals for each project should be uploaded to the OpenConf system as an abstract for a short paper.
- Posters
Posters enable a brief and very visual presentation of research projects, work in progress, and theoretical thesis, such as bachelor’s or master’s thesis and doctoral dissertations. They aim at attracting a wide range of audiences in language education because the information they present is clear and concise, and therefore easy to remember. Posters should focus on work in progress and report on previous or preliminary findings. Please keep in mind that posters are first and foremost visual aids that should attract the audience. They should have a clear and easy-to-read layout with a text that people from different areas in technology and language learning, and language education could understand. Submissions from university students are especially welcome in this category. A prize will be awarded for the best poster in two categories: PhD student and Researcher.
- Conference workshops
A limited number of conference workshops will be organized on Wednesday 15 August 2023 in the morning. The duration of each workshop can be 90 minutes. In case the time limit of 90 minutes would be insufficient, the workshop proposer can organize two separate sessions so that participants can attend either one of them or both, without missing crucial information from one of them. Workshops typically involve a hands-on session, during which participants can become familiar with the latest technological tools and approaches in relevant topic areas in language education in connection to the conference theme.
Abstracts of proposals for each workshop should be uploaded to the OpenConf system as an abstract (max. 500 words) describing the theme of the workshop, the name(s) and institution(s) of the organizer, and the topic of the hands-on workshop that will be handled during the session(s).
Format of abstracts
All presentation categories require the submission of an abstract that does not exceed 500 words, excluding the title, names and affiliations. We would appreciate if you could select from a list of conference subthemes when submitting your abstract. This would help us to organize the full conference programme around different subthemes of the conference.
How to submit your proposal
Submission platform OpenConf:
Contact information
Any queries relating to the conference should be sent to with the subject line EUROCALL 2023.
We look forward to your submissions!
The EUROCALL 2023 Organising Team in Reykjavik
Vigdís International Centre
University of Iceland
The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies
Current conference website and social media:
- Facebook EUROCALL 2023
- Instagram EUROCALL 2023
Join EUROCALL as a new member or re-new your membership:
- EUROCALL website
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