EUROCALL has established a network of national/regional contacts whose function is to act as a channel of communication between the central EUROCALL organisation and members (and would-be members) in their respective countries.

The role of these contacts is:

  • prospection for new EUROCALL members subscription
  • retention of existing EUROCALL members
  • dissemination of EUROCALL publicity
  • organisation of seminars and workshops
  • provision of information on developments and events in the country
  • stimulating the submission of articles to EUROCALL publications
  • maintaining a national EUROCALL information webpage/website with links to & from the EUROCALL website

The table below lists EUROCALL national contacts by country with contact details and a link to the national website. These sites are not mirrors of the main EUROCALL website in different languages, but localised sites reflecting the national character and needs.

Inge-Anna Koleff


Austria: Inge-Anna Koleff

Inge-Anna Koleff studied English Studies and History at the University of Vienna and is a qualified Academic Supervisor and Coach a Certified Education Manager and Adult Education Teacher. She has been an English teacher since 1979, a Language Teacher Trainer an Educator and (Language) Projects Manager and a Teacher Supervisor since 2009. Her research and teaching interests are Quality Assurance, Teacher Development, the Integration of New Technologies, and their relation to Lifelong Learning and Teaching.

Piet Desmet


Belgium: Piet Desmet

Piet Desmet is full professor of French & Applied linguistics at the Department of Linguistics of the KU Leuven and KU Leuven Campus KULAK Kortrijk. He is also core professor in educational technology within imec and head of the imec-ITEC-KU Leuven research team. He is director of many projects in the CALL-field on such topics as adaptive learning & learning analytics, CorpusCALL & intelligent CALL and effectiveness of CALL-components. He supervises PhD’s on adaptive learning, feedback, input enhancement, dialogue-based CALL and CASLA.

Web link:

Maria Christoforou


Cyprus: Maria Christoforou

Maria Christoforou is a PhD Candidate, and her research focuses on the pedagogical use of Virtual Reality in the learning of English as a foreign language. She has worked in Secondary Education, teaching English as L1, and as an English Language Lecturer in Tertiary Education Institutions in the private and public sector in Cyprus since 2007. She works as an English language instructor at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) Language Centre (LC) and develops ESP language courses for the CUT LC.


Pernille Hvalsøe


Denmark: Pernille Hvalsøe

Pernille Hvalsøe is an Academic Language Consultant at The University of Copenhagen at Centre for Internationalisation and Parallel Language Use. She has an MA in Educational Psychology and a Master in Danish as a Second Language, and she is an experienced SLA teacher. She has worked with online course design and – development for several years, and her teaching and research interests are social interaction and learning in online communities and pedagogy in relation to integration of educational technology.


Peppi Taalas


Finland: Peppi Taalas

Dr Peppi Taalas has been involved in EuroCALL since 2001 and has served on its executive committee for a number of years, both as Vice President and an elected committee member. She is the Director of the University Language Centre at the University of Jyväskylä and her main research interests are multimodal pedagogies, educational change, staff development and multilingualism. She currently supervises eight PhD students in the area of technology in teaching.

Email: peppitaalas@JYU.Fi

Cédric Sarré


France: Cédric Sarré

Cédric Sarré is a senior lecturer in Applied Linguistics (English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English Language Teaching (ELT)) at Sorbonne Université, INSPE (School of Education), France. He is a member of the CeLiSo research team (Centre de Linguistique en Sorbonne) and his research interests include language course development in online settings, the integration of technology – especially CMC – in language learning and teaching, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and teacher education.


Antje Neuhoff


Germany: Antje Neuhoff

I have been the head of E-Learning in the Multimedia Language Centre at TU Dresden since 1998. We have a strong focus on action research in foreign language pedagogy and ICT, CALL/ MALL and autonomous language learning. We frequently have developed multimedia language learning materials for several languages, e.g. German, Czech, Polish, Slovak, Lithuanian and most recently Sorbian – both for formal and informal learning. As a project manager I have co-ordinated several projects at national and European level. Starting as a teacher for blended language learning I gained some expertise in evaluating language learning software. In the Multimedia Language Centre I am now also involved in staff training, learner support and guidance and tandem language learning.

Web link:

Christina Nicole Giannikas


Greece: Christina Nicole Giannikas

Christina Nicole Giannikas holds a PhD in the field of Applied Linguistics. She is a consultant and founder of CG Education & Research Consultancy. She also works in Higher Education where she lectures courses in Applied Linguistics and is a teacher trainer for the pre-service teacher education program run by the University of Cyprus. She specializes in the areas of early language learning, age-appropriate digital pedagogies, digital literacies, assessment, and Teacher Education. Finally, for the last four years, Christina has been serving as Chair of the EuroCALL Teacher Education SIG.

Email: and/or

Andras Ketyi


Hungary: Andras Ketyi

Andras Ketyi is Senior Lecturer at Budapest Business School (Hungary) with a history of working in the Higher Education. Skilled in Moodle, Intercultural Communication, Product Demonstration, Lecturing and Educational Technology. He has a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Education from the University of Szeged (Hungary). He has recently been working on different MALL projects, including gamification and has been involved in Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL) research.


Branislav Bedi


Iceland: Branislav Bedi

Branislav Bédi holds a BA degree in Icelandic as a second language, a double MA degree in German and English studies with teacher training, and an additional MA degree in German with the focus on the use of German language in Icelandic tourism. He is now seeking a PhD in Second Language Studies where he focuses on teaching Icelandic via a 3D computer game. In addition to that, he has been involved in developing the application LARA for teaching Icelandic via reading and is an active member of the enetCollect association which supports language education via crowdsourcing.


Ton Koenraad


Netherlands: Ton Koenraad

Ton Koenraad, former teacher trainer and e-project manager at the Faculty of Education, Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, has been a EUROCALL member for more than 15 years. He has initiated and coordinated several international projects on the integration of technology in modern languages and teacher education. He currently works for TELLConsult, Its main activities are related to participation in EU educational projects and the professional development of teachers and teacher educators.

Website: EUROCALL.NL – TELLConsult

Anna Turula


Poland: Anna Turula

Anna Turula is a CALL teacher trainer in Kraków, Poland. She is Head of the Technology Enhanced Language Education (TELE) Department, Pedagogical University, Krakow, Poland. She has an MA in American Literature and a PhD & D. Litt. in Applied Linguistics. Her Research Interests are:

  • cognition and affect in language learning and e-learning
  • (online) classroom dynamics
  • form-focused instruction in language learning
  • new technologies in language learning and teacher training; online intercultural exchanges
  • dynamics of online meaning construction


Diana Cojocnean


Romania: Diana Cojocnean

Diana has an EdD in Education-TESOL from the University of Exeter. She teaches ESP, CALL, EFL and Language Teaching Methodology at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She is also a school teacher and teacher trainer, having trained teachers especially in Mobile Learning and CALL. She has been a EUROCALL member since 2014. Her research interests include: language teaching, mobile assisted language learning. learning strategies and neuroscience in education.


Ana Gimeno


Spain: Ana Gimeno

Ana Gimeno teaches EFL at the Department of Applied Linguistics, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain. She is Head of the CAMILLE R&D Team. Her research interests lie in Computer-Assisted Language Learning, English for Specific Purposes and Content and Language Integrated Learning. She was former EuroCALL President (2005-11) and is currently Executive Director of WorldCALL. She is editor-in-chief of EuroCALL’s online journal, The EuroCALL Review.


Luis Gonzalez


Switzerland: Luis Gonzalez

Luis Gonzalez works at the University of Lausanne as an educational engineer. He holds an undergraduate degree in Education and a Master’s Degree in Science and Technology for Learning and Education from Geneva University. Combining technical and pedagogical skills, his expertise focuses on learning environments and interactions between person and machine. He is responsible for the University’s multimedia centre (computers, teaching material) and for the teaching platform. Providing support for teachers and the use of technologies for language learning is of particular interest.

Ingénieur pédagogique, Centre de langues EPFL., Centre Est 2 445, CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél: ++41 21 693 22 68;

Web link:

Fidel Cakmak


Turkey: Fidel Cakmak

Fidel Cakmak is Assistant Professor at Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University, Turkey.
