The EuroCALL Teacher Education Special Interest Group focuses on issues related to language teaching with technologies and in particular on how teachers learn to
- integrate learning technologies into teaching practice
- develop techno-pedagogical competencies
- evolve with changing tools, methods and learners.
We are especially interested in
- how teachers can be supported in CALL practice
- research methods in teacher education
- links between CALL research and teaching practice.
The activities of the SIG include:
- Sharing information with other members through the SIG Google group, the SIG’s new and Twitter.
- Organising dedicated symposia at EUROCALL conferences.
- Organising regional workshops in members’ home institutions which will enable members to make others aware of EUROCALL’s work.
- Collaborating on the development of international project proposals.
- Encouraging SIG members to visit each other’s institutions with the aim of developing collaboration.
- Establishing links with other organisations’ Special Interest Groups working in related areas.
Teacher Education SIG Symposium
(during EUROCALL annual conference)
29 August 2019
EUROCALL members who are interested in joining the SIG and taking an active part in its activities should contact the chairs or join the Google group TeacherEdSIG_EuroCALLand the SIG’s Facebook Group. They may also follow the SIG on Twitter @EuroCALLTeaEdu.