The aims of the LCTL SIG are:
- To enable members to share information on applications of CALL for Less Commonly Taught Languages.
- To take advantage of the international membership of EUROCALL to share information on CALL in the context of LCTLs.
- To gather information on work in progress, projects and products of members of the SIG and disseminate it via the website of the SIG.
- To participate actively in EUROCALL conferences and contribute articles on this field to EUROCALL-related publications.
- To organise EUROCALL pre-conference workshops.
- To encourage members of the group to work collaboratively, especially if there is a common language being taught.
- To develop joint funded projects.
- To liaise with the other groups outside of CALL that are interested in Less Commonly Taught Languages on matters of mutual interest.
Note that the understanding of the term ‘Less Commonly Taught Languages’ is open to several interpretations which can include Less Widely Taught Languages, Less Commonly Spoken Languages, Minority Languages, Endangered Languages and languages that may be more widely spoken but are not widely taught in a particular context.
Monica Ward
Monica has worked in the area of CALL for Less Commonly Taught Languages, Minority Languages and Endangered Languages for many years. She is particularly interested in ensuring researchers in this area avail of currently existing resources and CALL research findings so that limited resources are used effectively. She believes that CALL researchers in the LCTL area should aim to avoid re-inventing the wheel where possible and be creative with CALL resources where required.
Anna Kyppö
Anna has extensive expertise of teaching a Less Commonly Taught Language (Slovak). She is particularly interested in exploring the effective pedagogical tools for teaching the LCTLs in the technology enhanced learning environment. She is also interested in agency and motivation in language learning in the LCTL context.