EUROCALL Membership Subscriptions Refund Policy

  1. EUROCALL is a registered charity (No.1041889) and so EUROCALL membership subscriptions are deemed to be annual contributions to the running of the organisation. We do not usually issue refunds1.
  2. Any member has the right to have their name deleted from EUROCALL’s membership database at any time, but in this event there shall be no rebate of any part of the subscription already paid.
  3. If an individual pays for a personal membership subscription of EUROCALL, they will have a 7-day ‘cooling-off’ period during which they have the right to cancel their subscription and receive a full refund. If you decide to cancel within the 7 days, we will refund your payment within 30 days of your cancellation. This clause complies with the EU Distance Selling Directive and is part of UK law under the Consumer Protection Regulations that relate to distance selling. This law applies to all UK based transactions where the consumer does not meet the vendor.
  4. Individual memberships cannot be transferred between individuals.
  5. Please note that refunds will not usually be made to members who indicate that they could retrospectively have been in a lower cost membership category e.g. a full personal member who could have been entitled to the concessionary rate. The onus is on members to inform EUROCALL of any required changes to their circumstances at the time of their membership renewal.
  6. Access to the members’ area of the EUROCALL website is governed by a unique member username and password, which will be de-activated if a EUROCALL membership is cancelled. Notwithstanding paragraph 3 above, no refund will be issued if EUROCALL has reason to believe that a member has benefited by having had access to privileged member-only information, obtaining member discounts or registering for courses and programmes during the 7 day period.
  7. Members wishing to cancel their subscription within the 7 day ‘cooling-off’ period should email or write to Toni Patton – EUROCALL Secretary General, Ulster University, School of Education, Cromore Road, Coleraine BT52 1SA, United Kingdom.

1 Subject to the personal member 7 day ‘cooling-off’ period clause set out in paragraph 3 above.

Charity No.1041889.